Science Metric System Problems and Solutions Mr. Benedict
Rahmir Science Mr. Benedict
How many milligrams are in one
Identify locations of milligrams and
Decigrams (dg) are larger than
milligrams (mg), so you expect there to be many mg in one dg.
Dg is 10 times larger than a cg, and a
cg is 10 times larger than a mg.
Since you are going from a larger unit
to a smaller unit, multiply.
1 dg · 10 · 10 = 100 mg
Multiply: 1 · 10 · 10, to find the
number of milligrams in one decigram.
Answer There are 100 milligrams (mg) in
1 decigram (dg).
Example Problem Convert 1 centimeter to
Identify locations of kilometers and
Kilometers (km) are larger than
centimeters (cm), so you expect there to be less than one km in a cm.
Cm is 10 times smaller than a dm; a dm
is 10 times smaller than a m, etc.
Since you are going from a smaller unit
to a larger unit, divide.
1 cm ÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10 =
0.00001 km
Divide: 1 ÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10 ÷
10, to find the number of kilometers in one centimeter.
Answer 1 centimeter (cm) = 0.00001
kilometers (km).
Once you begin to understand the metric
system, you can use a shortcut to convert among different metric
units. The size of metric units increases tenfold as you go up the
metric scale. The decimal system works the same way: a tenth is 10
times larger than a hundredth; a hundredth is 10 times larger than a
thousandth, etc. By applying what you know about decimals to the
metric system, converting among units is as simple as moving decimal
Here is the first problem from above:
How many milligrams are in one decigram? You can recreate the order
of the metric units as shown below:
This question asks you to start with 1
decigram and convert that to milligrams. As shown above, milligrams
is two places to the right of decigrams. You can just move the
decimal point two places to the right to convert decigrams to
milligrams: .
The same method works when you are
converting from a smaller to a larger unit, as in the problem:
Convert 1 centimeter to kilometers.
Note that instead of moving to the
right, you are now moving to the left—so the decimal point must do
the same: .
How many milliliters are in 1 liter?
A) 0.001
B) 0.1
C) 100
D) 1,000
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